Oh-No Delete

William and Felicia are two children, Felicia is 13 and William is 7. They are not related but they live together with William's dad and Felicia's mum.
William has a bed in the kitchen and Felicia has her own room. They both play PS1, they've got all sorts of vintage PS1 games like the entire Crash Bandicoot collection, Tekken 1 2 3, Medieval and Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon, which is their favorite. They both have one save to themselves and a backup third one just in case. William's save icon has Spyro and Felicia has Hunter. They've played it since William and his dad moved in. Felicia was much better so she played most of the time and came quite far.
But one day when Felicia started up the PS1 and was ready to play, she noticed that her save file was gone. She asked William if he knew anything about it. William shook his head quickly. Felicia didn't really believe him so she asked him with her "serious voice" if he removed it. William looked down and mumbled yes. Felicia got mad and pushed him out of her room and shut the door. William slowly walked into the kitchen and sat down on his bed. He buried his face in his hands and started crying while saying "I did it for your own good" 5 times. He cried for a while but stopped when Felicia walked in and asked why he did it. He didn't respond, Felicia put her hand on his thigh and asked again. But still no response. William just stared on the floor. Felicia gave up and said "Fine, I won't let you play with the PS1 ever again". Then William said:
- Fine, I'll tell you... but trust me that you can't tell ANYONE why I did it.
- Yeah, sure whatever. Just tell me already!
He stared into her eyes with a straight face and started explaining.
He was going to play Spyro and he accidentally hit Felicia's save file. He didn't go back because he was also quite curious on how far she came. When he started he was in the Enchanted Towers playing as Sgt. James Byrd. He played around for about 3 minutes and the game froze for a split second and started lagging. And for about 10 seconds, he was Hunter. But the game froze again but this time for approximately 15 seconds and when it started running again he couldn't move Sgt. James Byrd and he started falling down. Then the screen faded to black like it always does when you die. It was black for a good while.
He heard the disc chopping in the PS1. He waited for about 15 seconds and it faded into the place when you begin a new game. He couldn't do anything so he assumed it was a cutscene, which it was. The "camera" spun around 180 degrees and a big rhino enemy grabbed the camera, pulling it up like a 1'st person view. The rhino started blowing cigarette smoke on him repeatedly. William was kind of creeped out at that moment. The rhino let go of the person/camera, letting it fall to the ground. You could see the rhino walking away and out of the field of view. Time started speeding up like fast forwarding on a VHS tape until it was night in the game.
The 1'st person view now turned into a 3'rd person view revealing who it was, it was Sgt. James Byrd laying on his side. He slowly got up on his feet and looked around. All you could hear was the sound of crickets. All of a sudden hunter grabbed his shoulder and pulled him into the ground. The camera was just aiming at the grass for a while. Then he suddenly heard a duck scream coming from the game. It made him just because of the volume. Then it showed a picture of Sgt. James Byrd in front of a black background for 5 seconds .Then you heard ´the duck scream again. If faded into Spyro's dad smiling at the camera saying "Oh no delete" while showing a thumb up, It slowly faded into Hunter pressing his knuckles with his hand. Hunter slowly sat down, looking at the camera saying "What are you waiting for?".
''Written by William Fagerlund''